


Tools & libraries
  1. git
  2. C/C++ compilers
  3. Debugging
  4. Linear algebra libraries
  5. Security tools
  6. Network
  7. vim-gtk3
  8. conda
  9. OpenJDK
  1. Monospaced fonts
    1. Anonymous Pro
    2. Inconsolata
    3. Source Code Pro
    4. Source Han Mono
  2. CJK fonts:
    1. fonts-arphic-ukai (Chinese Serif)
    2. fonts-arphic-uming (Chinese Sans Serif)
    3. fonts-ipafont-mincho (Japanese Serif)
    4. fonts-ipafont-gothic (Japanese Sans Serif)
    5. fonts-nanum (Korean)
    6. fonts-nanum-extra (Korean)

Installed fonts can be listed by fc-list.

Execute the bootstrap script

Please check out the dev bootstrap script for the list of packages to install.

You can grab and run the script following these steps:

  1. Install git sudo apt-get install git
  2. Clone this repository
    mkdir -p ~/Workspace
    cd ~/Workspace
    git clone
  3. Execute the script, in the end, it will reboot
    sudo su
    bash /home/<usr>/Workspace/debian-setup/scripts/


  1. git --version
  2. gcc --version
  3. g++ --version
  4. vim --version, check for Python 3 support
  5. conda --version
  6. java -version, note the non-standard way of the java command, 1 dash only
  7. fc-list

Next step: nvidia